Need some flavor added to your business, idea or next conference call? I’m here to help.
Jose Castillo
The Single #1
- One on one conversation
- Pre-call questions
- 1 one hour Zoom/Video Chat
- Follow up notes and action items
The Double #2
- 1-3 participants
- Pre-Call Questions
- 1- one hour Zoom/Video Chat Call
- 2- 30 minute Follow Up Chats
- Follow up notes and action items
The Combo #3
Customize your own event or experience from 2 - 1000+ people!
Options include:
- Instagram Live Interviews- I worked with Bristol Motor Speedway @BMSupdates to do a virtual victory lane interview with NASCAR driver & winner William Byron on Instagram Live!
- Zoom Games Host- Led Pictionary style game for Spark Plaza coworking space Happy Hour with folks tuning in from San Francisco & Africa!
- Facebook Live Co-Host- Interviewing and engaging fans with America's Got Talent Finalist Joe Castillo on Facebook Live!
- Creative options for any virtual meeting large or small, let do something spicy!
$ Custom Pricing